Laser Cutting

Laser Cutting works by following vector paths in a file and cut directly through the material by burning it with the laser light. There are a wide variety of materials that can be laser cut listed in the materials section. Using this same process it is also possible to score material or engrave single lines that do not go all the way through the material.

Laser Engraving

Laser Engraving works by moving the beam back and forth over an area and pulsing in the areas that are engraved. Even some material that can't be laser cut can still be engraved and have an image, logo, or text show up permanently on the surface. In many materials the depth can be controlled by adjusting the power and speed of the machine.

Custom Stencils

One of our specialty services is creating custom stencils. We can edit files and add line breaks where necessary. Vector based files work best, but we can also usually convert images or text files.

Email your images, files or ideas to for a free estimate. Please include sizing info of your artwork or letter height of text if it isn’t already noted in the file.

Stencil Materials

Check our stock of stencil sheets materials here.

ABS plastic is a very versatile plastic that can be washed and reused many times. It’s a durable material but sometimes fine details can tear or get snagged during rough usage. Paint thinner and water cleanup are both acceptable for this material. It also food safe after thorough washing with soap and water. Available in 1mm (0.040”) thickness up to 48”x96” size sheets.

Mylar is a relatively tear resistant thin material for when you art requires small details or a more flexible thin material thickness. Available in 5mil, 7.5mil, and 10mil thicknesses up to 24”x36” size sheets.

Oilboard is a cheaper alternative than plastic when you only need to paint a few copies of the design but still want a thin material. It’s waxy surface helps repel some paint types prolonging its life. Available in 0.0175” (0.44mm) thickness up to 24”x36” size sheets.

Corrugated Cardboard is a basic super cheap material option. The standard C flute thickness sheet (0.155”) can sometimes block spraying angles slightly and it will deteriorate after a few uses. But it usually gets the job done for a few copies. Available up to 36”x36” size sheets.

Plywood is always an option too. It is harder to clean out after painting but sometimes the stencil itself looks just as nice as what was painted through it. Available up to 48”x96” size sheets.